L is for Look


This year for the first time Paris Photo will include an educational space centred on the photobook, located next to the Book sector on the first floor of the fair.

A toi de jouer ! de Claire Dé. Éditions des Grandes Personnes, 2010. © Claire Dé

Educational space

Co-produced by the Institut pour la Photographie and Photo Elysée (Lausanne), L is for Look is an exhibition project dedicated to children’s photobooks, from their emergence in the 1930s, with the development of new forms of teaching centred on photography as a universal language rather than text, up until the present day.

The exhibition will tour Europe until 2027, travelling to the Folkwang Museum in Essen, Les Rencontres d’Arles, the Photographer’s Gallery in London, the CNA in Luxembourg, the Foto Arsenal in Vienna and finally the Institut pour la Photographie.

This exhibition, which focuses on the place of the image in children’s photography publishing, will provide an opportunity to develop innovative approaches and tools for exhibition design and cultural mediation.

In conjunction with Paris Photo, the Institut pour la Photographie will present experiments based on modes of interaction and participation that draw on the reader/visitor’s different senses.

The selected books will be available to consult and interact with by means of a special installation, complemented by multimedia content and workshops-performances led by artists.

The selection will reflect the international history of photobooks for children and their distinctive characteristics:

– the little-known contributions of great figures from the history of photography such as Alexander Rodchenko and William Wegman