Artist talks


Devised and led by The Eyes team in collaboration with Paris Photo, the Artist Talks by The Eyes will examine the role of the book in artists’ practice, from general approach to production. In an intimate, convivial atmosphere, each artist will share with the public their experience of working on the most recent monograph, in a talk lasting 15 minutes followed by a Q&A with the public.

Gregoire Grange, Paris Photo, 2023


The Artist Talks will feature, among others, Lia Darjes, Laia Abril, John Divola, Tina Barney and Cristina de Middel, and will be led by Marc Feustel and Pascale Obolo.

The Artist Talks will take place in the curved gallery, from Thursday to Sunday 2pm to 6pm.

The complete programme will be available in early October on

Places available on a first come first served basis, with simultaneous translation.
The discussions will be available on after the fair ends.