Raymond Depardon  © Florent Drillon

More than 300 artists join Paris Photo this year to sign published works, a unique occasion to meet your favorites including Antoine d’Agata, Sophie Calle, Raymond Depardon, Claudio Edinger, Bruce Gilden, Paul Graham, Susan Meiselas, SMITH, Mario Testino, Paolo Ventura, Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb, Sabine Weiss, among many more. 


1:00 pm

Anja Nitz, Depot, KERBER, SE25
Melissa O'Shaughnessy, Perfect Strangers: New York City Street Photographs, APERTURE, SE10
Serge Najjar, Beirut, TANIT, C4

2:00 pm

Jean-Luc Bertini, Américaines solitudes, ACTES SUD, SE6
Jean-Michel André, Wilfried N’Sondé, Borders, ACTES SUD, SE6
Olivo Barbieri, Early Works 1980-1984, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Peggy Anderson, The Morning Dip, KEHRER, SE16
Renate Aller, The Space Between Memory and Expectation, KEHRER, SE16
Sebastian Acker, Traces of Other Places, KERBER, SE25

2:30 pm

Thierry des Ouches, C'était un homme de mer, FILIGRANES, SE17

3:00 pm

Adam Broomberg, Glitter in My Wounds, MACK, SE13
Augustin Rébetez, Le cœur entre les dents, manifeste primitif, ACTES SUD, SE6
Elina Brotherus, Seabound. A Log Book, KEHRER, SE16
Jackie Nickerson, Salvage, KERBER, SE25
Jessica Backhaus, Cut Outs, KEHRER, SE16
Julien Guinand, Two Mountains, FRANÇOISE BESSON, E13
Kakimoto Hiromi, Little Word, THE THIRD GALLERY AYA, D5
Karen Knorr, Questions (After Brecht), GOST, SE15
Marion Gronier, We Were Never Meant To Survive, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5
Marion Poussier, Tu me loves ?, FILIGRANES, SE17
Terri Weifenbach, Cloud Physics, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
William Guidarini, Venise et ses îles, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23

3:30 pm

Stéphane Lavoué, Gant[t], FILIGRANES, SE17

4:00 pm

Adrien Boyer, Présences, CLÉMENTINE DE LA FÉRONNIÈRE, C32
Clara Bastid & Marie Robert, Jazz Power !, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Dotan Saguy, Nowhere to go but Everywhere, KEHRER, SE16
Eric Bourret, Flux, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Florian Bachmeier, In Limbo, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Gregory Halpern, Let the Sun Beheaded Be, APERTURE, SE10
Jean-François Spricigo, Oraison sauvage, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5
Joseph Marando, Maroc Ordinaire, 127, E15
Marco Barbon, Asmara Dream, CLÉMENTINE DE LA FÉRONNIÈRE, C32
Martin Bogren, Passenger, VU’, D31
Maud Grübel, Le Seuil, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3
Mazaccio & Drowilal, Paparazzi, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Miguel Rothschild, Premonition, KERBER, SE25
Niko Luoma, For Each Minute, Sixty-Five Seconds, PERSONS PROJECTS, C24
Paolo Ventura, Photographs and Drawings, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Santiago Porter, Puisqu’il fallait tout repenser, ROLF ART, B21
Sibylle Fendt, Holzbachtal, nothing, nothing, KEHRER, SE16
Susan Meiselas, Learn to see, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Sylvia Ney, De l'autre côté de l'eau, FILIGRANES, SE17
Yves Trémorin, Monica, VU’, D31

4:30 pm

Jean-Luc Bertini, Américaines solitudes, ACTES SUD, SE6
Jean-Michel André, Wilfried N’Sondé, Borders, ACTES SUD, SE6
Philippe Graton, Livret militaire, FILIGRANES, SE17
Viviane Sassen, Venus & Mercury, APERTURE, SE10

5:00 pm

Aglaé Bory, Odyssées, FILIGRANES, SE17
Hubert Marot, Crue, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Lara Gasparotto, solstices, STIEGLITZ19, SC12 
Maria Haas, Matriarchs, KERBER, SE25
Michael Dressel, Lost(t) Angeles, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Patrick Lambertz, Chalets of Switzerland, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Paul Cupido, 4a.m., BILDHALLE, F11
Ragnar Axelsson, Arctic Heroes. A Tribute to the Sled Dogs of Greenland, KEHRER, SE16
Sabine Weiss, Émotions / Photo Poche, LES DOUCHES, E8
Santeri Tuori, Time Is No Longer Round, PERSONS PROJECTS, C24
Stéphane Lavoué, Les enchanteurs (éditions 77), GALERIE DU JOUR AGNÈS B., C3
Tina Bloch & Michel Denancé, Archisable 2, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5

5:30 pm

Grégoire Korganow, Proche, FILIGRANES, SE17

6:00 pm

Andreas Bitesnich, Lisbon + Troubled Waters, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Jean-Vincent Simonet, Mechanical Paintings, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Francesco Jodice, Works, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Michael Ackerman, End Time City, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
SMITH, Désidération, TEXTUEL, SE9


1:00 pm

Bas Losekoot, Out of Place, KEHRER, SE16
Betina Samaia, Amazon The green’s end, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Jacob Ehrbahn, A Dream of Europe, DEWI LEWIS, SE8
Joan Fontcuberta, Crisis of History, KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY, SE18
Jonas Dahlström, 07:27:47, KERBER, SE25
Marvel Harris, MARVEL, MACK, SE13
Nick Meyer, The Local, MACK, SE13
Reinout van den Berg, Eboundja, KEHRER, SE16
Robin Friend, Apiary, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27

1:45 pm

Gabriele Galimberti, The Ameriguns, DEWI LEWIS, SE8

2:00 pm

Angélica Dass, The Colors We Share, APERTURE, SE10
Ara Oshagan, dis/placed, KEHRER, SE16
Barbara Bosworth, The Heavens, Natural Histories, RADIUS, SE4
David Benjamin Sherry, American Monuments, RADIUS, SE4
Didier Fiuza Faustino, Tomorrow Shelters, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Dimakatso Mathopa & Catherine McKinley, African Lookbook, AFRONOVA, D26
Dominique Teufen, My Travels Through The World On My Copy Machine, CHRISTOPHE GUYE, C7
Ed Kashi, Abandoned Moments. A Love Letter To Photography, KEHRER, SE16
Fin Serck-Hanssen, Hedda, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Francesco Bosso, Waterheaven, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Franck Gérard, En l’état, MÉLANIE RIO, B27
Grégoire Pujade-Lauraine & Jeffrey Ladd, Double Orbit + A Field Measure Survey of American Architecture, MACK, SE13
Jana Sophia Nolle, Living Room: San Francisco 2017 / 2018, KERBER, SE25
Janelle Lynch, Another Way of Looking at Love, Barcelona, Los Jardines de Mexico, RADIUS, SE4
Marc Corigliano, Midi passé, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Pentti Sammallahti, Nous deux, CAMERA OBSCURA, B33
Peter Puklus, The Hero Mother, ROBERT MORAT, A28
Philippe Bazin & Bruno Serralongue, Encuentro Chiapas 1996, SPECTOR, SE22
Raymond Depardon, Communes, photo poche, Rural, ACTES SUD, SE6
Sandro Miller, Crowns, FIFTY ONE, B32
Stacy Mehrfar, The Moon Belongs to Everyone, GOST, SE15
Tendance Floue, Cities on Earth, Louis Vuitton
Todd Hido, Outskirts, BRUCE SILVERSTEIN, E4

2:30 pm

Edouard Taufenbach & Bastien Pourtout, Le bleu du ciel, FILIGRANES, SE17
Jon Tonks & Christopher Lord, The Men Who Would Be King, DEWI LEWIS, SE8
Mårten Lange, Ghost Witness, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Paolo Ventura, Photographs and drawings, GALERIE XII, E9
Thomas Paquet, Horizons, BIGAIGNON, E10

3:00 pm

AdeY, Uncensored, VASLI SOUZA, SC8
Adrien Selbert, Les Bords réels, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5
Alexandre Furcolin, Fashion Eye Sao Paulo, Louis Vuitton
Alexandra Rose Howland, Leave and Let Us Go, GOST, SE15
Alexey Titarenko, Nomenklatura of Signs, Damiani 2020, NAILYA ALEXANDER, C29
Andi Schmied, Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan, TRAPÉZ, B17
Caroline Desroche & Cyril Desroche, Los Angeles Standards, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
David Nissen, Out Of The Darkness, L’ARTIERE, SE2
Debi Cornwall, Necessary Fictions, Welcome to Camp America, RADIUS, SE4
Fabian Zapatka, Vater, KERBER, SE25
Giulio Di Sturco, GANGA MA, PODBIELSKI, A27
Grégoire Eloy, 1+2 Rhizome, FILIGRANES, SE17
Jamie Johnson, Growing Up Travelling. The Inside World of Irish Traveller Children, KEHRER, SE16
Jennifer Garza-Cuen, Past Paper // Present Marks: Responding to Rauschenberg, RADIUS, SE4
Kaneko Hiroyo, Appearance, THE THIRD GALLERY AYA, D5
Karen Marshall, Between Girls, KEHRER, SE16
Laure Winants, 1+2 Rhizome, FILIGRANES, SE17
Laurent Montaron, ANNE-SARAH BÉNICHOU, C18
Mark Mahaney, Polar Night, KOMINEK, SC5
Matthias Hoch, BER, SPECTOR, SE22
Michaël Serfaty, Je vous écris avec la chair des mots, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Mimi Svanberg, Fragments, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Myriem Karim, 1+2 Rhizome, FILIGRANES, SE17
Odette England, Past Paper // Present Marks: Responding to Rauschenberg, RADIUS, SE4
Philippe Chancel, Datazone, MÉLANIE RIO, B27
Raymond Meeks, Somersault, MACK, SE13
Rémi Coignet, Conversations, volume 3, THE EYES, SE14
Ricard Estay et Nicolas Wormull, Diasporas Letters, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3

3:15 pm

Dougie Wallace, East Ended, DEWI LEWIS, SE8

3:30 pm

Gillian Laub, Family Matters, APERTURE, SE10
Marie Sommer, Une île, FILIGRANES, SE17
Paolo Woods & Arnaud Robert, Happy Pills, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Sophie Calle, Histoires vraies/True stories, ACTES SUD, SE6

4:00 pm

Alice Mann, Drummies, GOST, SE15
Anja Engelke, Room 125, KERBER, SE25
Ann-Christine Woehrl, Witches in Exile, KEHRER, SE16
Antoine Rozes, Photographies 2011-2021, TANIT, C4
Carolle Bénitah, Jamais Je Ne t'Oublierai, L'ARTIERE, SE2
Caimi & Piccinni, Güle Güle, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3
Christine Dolory Momberger, En s'enfonçant dans la forêt, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Cig Harvey, Blue Violet, ROBERT MANN, E6
Cristina Piffer, Puisqu’il fallait tout repenser, ROLF ART, B21
Eiji Ohashi, Roadside Lights Seasons: Winter, CASE, SE19
Elsa & Johanna, Beyond the shadows, LA FOREST DIVONNE, D7
Erik van der Weijde, This Is Not My Book, SPECTOR, SE22
FLORE, L'odeur de la nuit était celle du jasmin, CLÉMENTINE DE LA FÉRONNIÈRE, C32
François Halard, Fashion Eye Greece, Louis Vuitton,
Gottfried Jäger, Intersection of Color, SOUS LES ETOILES, A4
Guillaume Zuili, Memory Lane, CLÉMENTINE DE LA FÉRONNIÈRE, C32
Hannah Whitaker, Ursula, CHRISTOPHE GAILLARD, F7
Jamie Hawkesworth, The British Isles, MACK, SE13
Jörg Gläscher, Der Eid | The Oath, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Jun Ahn, One Life | Self-Portrait, CHRISTOPHE GUYE, C7
Kacper Kowalski, Arché, BILDHALLE, F11
Kingsley Ifill, Crucifixion on Caulaincourt, V1, B28
Loredana Nemes, gier angst liebe - love fear greed, PODBIELSKI, A27
Luis Carlos Tovar, Jardín de mi padre, RM, SE1
Maurizio Galimberti, Atelier Paris, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Michael Kerstgens, 1986, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Miho Kajioka, so it goes so it goes, IBASHO & THE(M) EDITIONS, SE26
ORLAN, Tout sur ma vie, tout sur mon art, CEYSSON & BÉNÉTIÈRE, A18
Patrick Zachmann, Voyages de mémoire, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
Paul Hart, Reclaimed, DEWI LEWIS, SE8
Payram, Dialogue photographique sur la route de la soie, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5
Philippe de Poulpiquet, Invalides. Mémoires de guerre, FILIGRANES, SE17
SMITH, Désidération, TEXTUEL, SE9
Zosia Prominska, Future Perfect, KEHRER, SE16

4:30 pm

Ann Marks, Vivian Maier Révélée, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Lorenzo Castore, 1994-2001 A BEGINNIN / ULTIMO DOMICILIO, L'ARTIERE, SE2
Mohamed Bourouissa, Périphérique, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Pierre-Jérôme Jehel, Une origine du monde des images, FILIGRANES, SE17

5:00 pm

Alexandre Vigot, Sous le masque sacré, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Anthony Micallef, Indigne toit, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3
Bruno V. Roels, Palm Trees, FIFTY ONE, B32
Diana Markosian, Santa Barbara, APERTURE, SE10
Frank van der Salm, Nowhere | Imagining the Global City, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Harry Gruyaert, East / West; Last call, TEXTUEL, SE9
Homer Sykes, Colour Works: The 1980s and 90s, LES DOUCHES, E8
Joan Fontcuberta, Crisis of History, KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY, SE18
Johny Pitts, B-Side, THE EYES, SE 14
Mathias Benguigui & Agathe Kalfas, Les Chants de l'Asphodèle, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5
Michael Ackerman, End Time City, CAMERA OBSCURA, B33
Nicola Lo Calzo, Binidittu, L'ARTIERE, SE2
Rahim Fortune, I can't stand to see you cry, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Richard Sharum, Campesino Cuba, GOST, SE15
Robert Knoth & Antoinette de Jong, Tree and Soil, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Roberto Huarcaya, Roberto Huarcaya, RM, SE1
Saidou Dicko, The Shadowed People, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Synchrodogs, Fashion Eye Ukraine, Louis Vuitton
Thibaud Yevnine, Maputo, FILIGRANES, SE17
Tobias Zielony, The Fall, SPECTOR, SE22


Edouard Taufenbach, L’image dans le miroir, L'ARTIERE, SE2
Sara Imloul, Passages, FILIGRANES, SE17
Stéphan Gladieu, Corée du Nord, ACTES SUD, SE6

6:00 pm

Antoine d’Agata, Praxis | México 1986 – 2021, PATRICIA CONDE, A32
Espen Eichhöfer, Pappa, Gerd und der Nordmann, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Linn Schröder, Ich denke auch Familienbilder, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Luca Campigotto, American Elegy, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Mario Testino, Holy Men, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Matthias Straub, The Opéra X, KERBER, SE25
Michel Eisenlohr, Forts des confins, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Philippe Jarrigeon, PLAY, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Sean Lotman, The Sniper paused so he could wipe his brow, IBASHO & THE(M) EDITIONS, SE26


1:00 pm

Cássio Vasconcellos, Dryads and Fauns, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Claudia Heinermann, Siberian Exiles, KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY, SE18
Harald Schmitt, Facing the Balkans, KERBER, SE25
Marco Rigamonti, Nativity Scenes, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Theo Derksen, Disneyfication, DEWI LEWIS, SE8

1:45 pm

Helen Sear, Era Of Solitude, DEWI LEWIS, SE8

2:00 pm

Alice Mann, Drummies, AFRONOVA, D26
Antoine d’Agata, Fleurs du Mal / Bacon/d’Agata, THE EYES, SE14
Camille Brasselet, The sound of silence, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Carlo Valsecchi, Posterius, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Harry Gruyaert, Café Belgica, FIFTY ONE, B32
Marco Rigamonti, Periplo Siciliano, FILIGRANES, SE17
Mirjana Vrbaški, Odd Time, KERBER, SE25
Pascal Bois, L'instant même, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Payram, Dialogue photographique sur la route de la soie, MAUBERT, C26
Rosemarie Zens, Moon Rabbit, KEHRER, SE16
Sonia Lenzi, Take Me to Live with You, KEHRER, SE16
Susan Meiselas, Eyes Open: 23 Photography Projects for Curious kids, APERTURE, SE10
Tariq Zaidi, Sin Salida, GOST, SE15
Szabolcs Barakonyi, Fortepan Masters – Collective Photography in the 20th Century, VINTAGE, C6

2:30 pm

Anne Helene Gjelstad, Big Heart, Strong Hands, DEWI LEWIS, SE8
Benjamin Deroche, La lumière du loup, FILIGRANES, SE17

3:00 pm

Adrian Sauer, Foto Arbeiten / Photo Works, KERBER, SE25
Alejandro Cartagena, Suburban Bus, PATRICIA CONDE, A32
Anaïs Boudot, Les oubliées, THE EYES, SE14
Anton Kusters, 1078 Blue Skies / 4432 Days, KEHRER, SE16
Arnaud Claass, L'intuition photographique, FILIGRANES, SE17
Jessica Mitchell & Diogo Duarte, Sour-Puss: The Opera, GOST, SE15
JH. Engström, photo poche, ACTES SUD, SE6
Jürgen Nefzger, Bure, SPECTOR, SE22
Kaneko Hiroyo, Appearance, THE THIRD GALLERY AYA, D5
Laurence Aëgerter, Ici mieux qu’en face, ACTES SUD, SE6
Lucas Lenci, Alpha Cities, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Morgan Mirocolo, Au pied de l'olivier, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Paolo Pellegrin, Des oiseaux, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
Paul Graham, Beyond Caring, A1 - The Great North Road, MACK, SE13
Tariq Zaidi, Sapeurs. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congo, KEHRER, SE16
Teo Becher, Charbon blanc, LE BEC EN L'AIR, SE5

3:15 pm

Paul Cohen, Things Aren't Always As Mother Reports, DEWI LEWIS, SE8

3:30 pm

Arno Brignon, Terre et territoires #1, FILIGRANES, SE17
Piotr Zbierski, Echoes Shades, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3

4:00 pm

Albarran Cabrera, Des oiseaux, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
Alex Webb, Violet Isle, Memory City, RADIUS, SE4
Andrea Wilmsen, B.ODE, KERBER, SE25
Anton Roland Laub, Last Christmas (of Ceausescu), KEHRER, SE16
Aurélie Pétrel, Essai sur les images latente, CEYSSON & BÉNÉTIÈRE, A18
Bertien van Manen, Archive, MACK, SE13
Claudio Edinger, From good Jesus to miracles, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Francesco Jodice, Works, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Francesco Neri, Farmers, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Frédéric Stucin, Endorphine, FILIGRANES, SE17
Homer Sykes, Colour Works: The 1980s and 1990s, DEWI LEWIS, SE8
Kathrin Linkersdorff, Fairies, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Mark Power, Good Morning, America Vol III, GOST, SE15
Michal Solarski & Tomasz Liboska, Cut It Short, KEHRER, SE16
Noemi Pujol, Parages, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Nominés du Prix du Livre, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Peter Funch, The Imperfect Atlas, V1, B28
Philippe Durand, Chauvet, L'aventure intérieure, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Rebecca Norris Webb, Night Calls, My Dakota, Violet Isle, Memory City, RADIUS, SE4
Sara Imloul, Passages, 127, E15
Vivian Galban, Puisqu’il fallait tout repenser, ROLF ART, B21
Witho Worms, Fantastik Fangst, L. PARKER STEPHENSON, B30

4:30 pm

Mathias Depardon, Transanatolia, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3
Michael Ackerman, End Time City, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Nicolas Comment, Cavale, FILIGRANES, SE17

5:00 pm

Alexandre Furcolin, Tangerine, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Anne Schönharting, Das Erbe | The Legacy, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Claudia Heinermann, Siberian Exiles, KAUNAS PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY, SE18
Eeva Karhu, Polku | Paths, PERSONS PROJECTS, C24
Jean-Michel Othoniel, Le théorème de Narcisse, ACTES SUD, SE6
Jeffrey Ladd, The Awful German Language, SPECTOR, SE22
Jérôme Sessini, Inner Disorder. Ukraine 2014-2017, RM, SE1
Ken Taranto, The Settlements, GOST, SE15
Kyle Meyer, Interwoven, RADIUS, SE4
Laure Samama, Je danse seule, ARNAUD BIZALION, SE23
Lia Darjes, Tempora Morte, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Liza Ambrossio, Blood Orange / Naranja del Sangre, KEHRER, SE16
Penelope Umbrico, Everyone’s Photo Any Licence, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Pernette Perriand, Damarice Amao & Jacques Barsac, Charlotte Perriand, politique du photo-montage, ACTES SUD, SE6
Rania Matar, She, RADIUS, SE4
Raphaël Dallaporta, Equation du temps, THE EYES, SE14
Rima Samman, L'amour se porte autour du cou, FILIGRANES, SE17
Scott B. Davis, sonora, RADIUS, SE4
Sean Lotman, The sniper paused so he could wipe his brow, IBASHO, F16

6:00 pm

Albarrán Cabrera, The World's First Photobook Was Blue, IBASHO & THE(M) EDITIONS, SE26
Antoine d'Agata, Praxis, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24
Emma Summerton, Landed | Hydrea, CHRISTOPHE GUYE, C7
Ester Vonplon, Dancing alone - somewhere, STEPHAN WITSCHI, E17
Jean-Marc Caimi & Valentina Piccinni, En Presence de l'Absence, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21              
Kourtney Roy, The Tourist, ANDRÉ FRÈRE ÉDITIONS, SE3
Marguerite Bornhauser, Marguerite Bornhauser, CARLOS CARVALHO, B33
Martin Kollar, After, STEPHAN WITSCHI, E17
Matt Black, American Geography, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
Nicola Lo Calzo, Binidittu, DOMINIQUE FIAT, D23
Paolo Gasparini, Book 1: Paolo Gasparini Book 2: Fotollavero, RM, SE1
Tabitha Soren, Surface Tension, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Vincenzo Castella, Berlin '89, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11

6:30 pm

François Prost, Gentlemen's Club, GALERIE DU JOUR AGNÈS B., C3

7:00 pm

Aassmaa Akhannouch, La maison qui m'habite encore, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
Ann Marks, Vivian Maier Révélée, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Cyrus Cornut, Chongqing sur les quatre rives du temps qui passe, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7
Louise Honée, We Love Where We Live, ATELIER EXB / ÉDITIONS XAVIER BARRAL, SE7


1:00 pm

Chloé Dewe Mathews, Thames Log, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Emmanuelle Bousquet, In Foetu, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Luca Ellena, Einkaufswagen | Shopping carts, KERBER, SE25

2:00 pm

Ann Marks, Vivian Maier Révélée, HOWARD GREENBERG, C14
Antonio M. Xoubanova & David Mozetta, Graffiti, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Bjørnar Øvrebø, Alna, KERBER, SE25
Brice Dossin, Xmas Vindaloo, DEWI LEWIS, SE8
Jack Davison, Photographs, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Jean-François Spricigo, Oraison sauvage, CAMERA OBSCURA, B33
Miho Kajioka, Peacocks, IBASHO, F16
Paolo Pellegrin, Paolo Pellegrin, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11
Sebastien Cuvelier, Paradise City, GOST, SE15

2:30 pm

Frédérique Daubal, Overprint, FILIGRANES, SE17

3:00 pm

Ariane Yadan, La Maison de la mariée, MÉLANIE RIO, B27
Brigitte Lustenberger, Limited Edition Collage 'A Gaze of One’s Own' | Limited Edition Artist Zine | Maloja | Still, CHRISTOPHE GUYE, C7
Chuck Samuels, Devenir la photographie, KERBER, SE25
Collectif Puisqu'il Fallait Tout Repenser, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Julien Gester, Cette fin du monde nous aura quand même donné de beaux couchers de soleil, ACTES SUD, SE6
Julien Mignot, Tranchants, FILIGRANES, SE17
Michel Frizot, NEUF, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Pierre de Vallombreuse, Lost grace, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Robi Rodriguez, Fashion Eye London, Louis Vuitton,
Stéphane Duroy, Slow Motion, ÉDITIONS BESSARD, SE21
Vincent Lappartient, Tranchants, FILIGRANES, SE17
Wolfgang Vollmer, Henry Rox Revue, HARTMANN & 5UHR30.COM, SE24

3:30 pm

Jet Swan, Material, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27

4:00 pm

Antoine d’Agata, Bacon / D’Agata & Fleurs Du Mal, THE EYES, SE14
Elliott Verdier, Reaching for Dawn, DELPIRE & CO, SE12
Erik Kessels, Muddy Dance, RVB BOOKS, SE20
Marcos López, Puisqu’il fallait tout repenser, ROLF ART, B21
Marie Ndiaye & Frédéric Stucin, La Source, CLÉMENTINE DE LA FÉRONNIÈRE, C32
Melvin Sokolsky, Fashion Eye Paris, Louis Vuitton,
Walter Niedermayr, Transformations, SILVANA EDITORIALE, SE11

4:30 pm

David Luraschi, Ensemble, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27
Luis Alberto Rodriguez, People of the Mud, LOOSE JOINTS, SE27


SMITH © Marc Domage


Susan Meiseles © Florent drillon