Varvara Uhlik

'Sonechko, yak ty? (sunshine, how are you?)'

Slade School of Fine Art (United Kingdom) - Master

From the project 'Sonechko, yak ty? (sunshine, how are you?)' by Varvara Uhlik

From the project 'Sonechko, yak ty? (sunshine, how are you?)' by Varvara Uhlik


Instagram: varavarka


Varvara Uhlik is a visual artist, originally from Dnipro (Ukraine), and currently residing in London. Her artistic practice is deeply rooted in the (re)creation of archives, focusing on elements that are no longer tangible in reality, such as memories, places, and people.

Her work is characterized by the use of both analogue and digital materials and techniques. This unique combination serves as a tool to question our present reality and the escalating influence of the digital environment. The juxtaposition of analog and digital methodologies in her works not only provides a visual exploration but also reflects on the impermanence of our surroundings. The juxtaposition of analog and digital methodologies serves as a visual exploration and as a reflection on the impermanence of our surroundings and the preservation of collective and individual memories in our world.

The project

'I have always cherished memories of a happy childhood. I came into this world just five years after the Soviet Union's collapse, in the eastern part of Ukraine. I have often been reminded of my good fortune not to have experienced that tough life under the Soviet rule. Yet, as my late twenties beckon, I found myself wrestling with a profound sense of disorientation and inner uncertainty about who I truly am. It's as if my sense of self is as elusive as that of a Soviet citizen. This inner turbulence has prompted me to start rediscovering myself by revisiting and re-evaluating the memories of my upbringing through the lens of adulthood

My childhood was marked by moments of pure joy, like savoring my mother's homemade sour cherry varenyky or the thrill of climbing trees. Yet, it was also shaped by the unyielding discipline of the Soviet era, a force that has left an indelible mark on the person I've grown into. The predominant influence during my formative years was a community steeped in Soviet values, including my family, educators, neighbours, and even the local shopkeepers and the president. Even today, though Soviet is gone - the opressive influence of our Eastern neighbor continues, and I currently find myself separated from my family and home due to the ongoing war.

To navigate this emotional and existential terrain, I am using the medium of photography as a means to transport myself back to the eastern reaches of Ukraine, back to my past. Through this project, I endeavour to disassemble and reconstruct the fragments of my childhood memories, each image a piece of the puzzle in reassembling my own identity. 

This project is an exploration of the identity of a contemporary woman born into the post-Soviet era - an introspective journey that not only serves as a reflection of my personal quest for self-discovery but also as a portrayal of an entire generation that came of age in the post-Soviet milieu.'

From the project 'Sonechko, yak ty? (sunshine, how are you?)' by Varvara Uhlik