Steven Natusch

'What will be different tomorrow?'

University of applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (Germany) - Master


Instagram: steven_natusch

Steven Natusch (*1993), born in Berlin, is a photographer and artist who lives and works in Dortmund, Ruhr Area. Steven is currently studying photography (MA) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Dortmund. He aims to comprehend images as a visual-lyrical language that primarily negotiates emotional states, existential questions, and elementary as well as personal experiences. Within his photographs, which are usually not bound by time or place, move non-linearly through worlds of magical realism and attempt to create clusters of contradictions. Guided by uncertainty, the question posed by the production of Images is always more important than the answers it may promise.

The project

'Think nothing, feel nothing, see nothing, the idea of nothing(ness) has a long history as a concept of negation in language, as an abstract school of thinking in philosophy and as a creative act in art. From it emerges in the end - to be everything, or not Within the environment of this concept, one quickly comes up against the limits of logical thinking and gets caught in paradoxes. But it is precisely this contradictoriness that creates the framework, for expressing a relationship with the world that, like the term itself, is characterized by opposites.

'What will be different Tomorrow?' seeks to reflect paradoxes and contradictions, which are revealed both in the photographic process and in the confrontation with the subject itself. In my work, I scrutinize the personal point of view on the search for meaning and finding themes by reflecting on nothingness. This is done from the perspective of an artist, but first and foremost from the perspective of a human being. Within the process, I did not try to visualize nothingness, but to find perceptual processes in which the presence of an absence is revealed.

While the crises in the world seem to be multiplying a hundredfold, our view of the actual reality in late capitalist society is blurred. The actual meaningfulness of our own existence is being tested. Can a person be one without having a content?'

From the project 'What will be different tomorrow?' by Steven Natusch

From the project 'What will be different tomorrow?' by Steven Natusch