Sarah Grethe


University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (Germany) - Master

From the project 'Unboxing' by Sarah Grethe



Sarah Grethe (*1997) is a Hamburg, Germany born and based photographer. She completed her Photography BA in 2021 and is currently doing her MA. The focus of her work is on the dependence of the past versus the present in the context of her personal environment. She is particularly concerned with the perception of change and the correlation between time and memory. Among others she was exhibited in the Sprengel Museum Hannover, Somerset House London, Willy-Brandt-Haus Berlin and Rotterdam Photo Festival.

The project

"The body of work deals with deconstructed situations and misguided habits of seeing. The images open archives of the past, which through their combination suggest a narrative and thus are meant to question one's own knowledge of the unknown. Conceptually, I am concerned with ideas of postmodernism that challenge traditional notions of truth, representation and interpretation. I explore themes of perception in relation to narratives, breaking down conventional scenarios into their component parts and asking the viewer to reconsider their understanding of the familiar and engage with the complexity of obscure scenarios. The chosen objects draw on a collective memory. By juxtaposing different images or elements, individual interpretations are constructed, encouraging a sense of ambiguity and open-endedness into the enigmatic subjects."

From the project 'Unboxing' by Sarah Grethe

From the project 'Unboxing' by Sarah Grethe

From the project 'Unboxing' by Sarah Grethe