Benjamin Friedle

'8.784 photos / 8.784 colors'

Hochschule Bielefeld (Germany) - Bachelor



Benjamin Friedle (b. 1999, Stuttgart) is a German visual artist who has been studying at  Photography at Hochschule Bielefeld since 2021.

The project

"8.784 Photos (136x210cm, digital print on MDF, framed) consists of the same number of photographs of the sky, every 10 minutes, over 61 days, combined into one image that unites the two time axes of minutes and days. In contrast, there are 8.784 Colors (70x108cm, digital print on MDF, framed), sorted by color values, each generated from the previous 8,784 photos. The work was created under the supervision of Prof. Adrian Sauer.

Clouds are generally an interesting photographic subject for me, as they are difficult to depict for technical reasons and do not exactly represent what they claim to be (water). The work illustrates the principle of pixels strung together, which give us a coherent color gradient."

From the project '8.784 photos / 8.784 colors' by Benjamin Friedle

From the project '8.784 photos / 8.784 colors' by Benjamin Friedle