A doctorate in art history and a former student of the Institut national du patrimoine, Héloïse Conésa has been a heritage curator in charge of contemporary photography at the Bibliothèque nationale de France since 2014. She has curated or co-curated several exhibitions, including Paysages français, une aventure photographique (2017), Denis Brihat, de la nature des choses (BnF, 2019), Ruines - Josef Koudelka (2020), La photographie à tout prix : une année de prix photographiques à la BnF (2021), Noir et blanc, une esthétique de la photographie (2020-2023). She is currently preparing the exhibition L'épreuve de la matière (BnF, 2023) and will present at the BnF in 2024 the restitution of the great photographic commission entrusted to the BnF by the Ministry of Culture: "Radioscopie de la France des années 2020".